Liberating Structures

We are all familiar with group dynamics during our meetings: some people are extravert and talkative, while others are more introverted and quiet. We are also familiar with endless meetings that seem to last forever, without a clear outcome or result. Liberating Structures can help overcome these (and other) shortcomings of our conventional formats in how we collaborate.

Liberating Structures are a set of 33 easy-to-learn microstructures that offer real participation for all people involved. Unlike traditional formats such as presentations or open discussions, they provide the ideal balance of structure, enabling purposeful interactions while leaving enough space for innovative ideas to spark.

Wise Crowds, happy faces

Wise Crowds, happy faces

During this highly interactive workshop, we will practice several Liberating Structures and reflect on how and why they work. Following each activity, we will collectively reflect on the practical applications, exploring the underlying principles of why and how these structures effectively enhance collaboration.

What you will learn:

  • A few Liberating Structures
  • The principles of Liberating Structures
  • The 5 design elements of Liberating Structures
  • Where to find more information about all the Liberating Structures
  • How you can use Liberating Structures in your next meeting

The workshop is highly customized for the group, ensuring a unique and tailored experience each time.

DDD '24 workshop

Workshop @ DDD Europe ‘24